Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope: March 10th – 16th, 2025 | Astrology Answers


Say hello to the big bad wolf of astrology!

With Mercury going retrograde in Aries on the 15th, we’re approaching one of those dreaded astrological times filled with mystique and hubbub… so what’s the big fuss about this particular transit, after all?

This week, we’re transitioning into a time of intense processing — emotionally, intellectually, mentally, and beyond. Mercury retrogrades ask us to peel back the layers on our pasts, our hearts and minds, and our true inner feelings before jumping into anything major or new.

However, how these things manifest for us individually drastically depends on our personal energies and vibes for the current moment. So let’s see what those are first using the Tarot!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope


Queen of Swords (Reversed)

Aries, your mind is racing… but it may not know the finish line yet.

The Queen of Swords reversed shows you desperately trying to gain control over your thoughts and mind, although it’s not coming very easily.

You can feel highly overactive right now in your headspace, but also simultaneously burnt out, and also feel like you’re not gaining any headway or exact progress.

This confusing energy can be frustrating to deal with, but it’s important not to lean into that frustration and get caught up in impulsive decisionmaking as a result.


9 of Swords

Taurus is caught up in the crosshairs of anxiety and difficulty.

The 9 of Swords is a moment of deep mental frustration, confusion, and perhaps even turmoil for some Tauruses.

You’re stuck in your fears, concerns, and anxieties about the future, and possibly even the present too. Life feels like it’s at a standstill in times like these, even though you know you’ve been here before, and it’s not an impossible difficulty to defeat.

However, it can still feel as daunting and disconcerting as ever… so be patient with yourself as you wrestle with these inner demons, Taurus.


8 of Swords

Gemini, are you stuck in place, or have you stuck yourself in place?

The 8 of Swords gestures at the constraints and restrictions you may have placed on yourself — unconsciously or not.

Sometimes we believe that life has put us in impossible situations, but it is these very thoughts that prevent us from taking the steps we need to in order to progress.

This card hints that this may be the case for you this week, and you’ll need honesty and self-awareness in order to get through it successfully.


6 of Swords

Cancer, pack up your bags and go.

And, well, it may not be as literal as that, but the 6 of Swords is pretty close to it! Now is a time of moving forward into unknowns even though you’re not sure about where exactly the destination is.

All that’s important is leaving behind everything that was familiar and strange and no longer serving you.

The future awaits, and it may be bright… or really, we have no way of knowing just yet. But that eternal mystery is part of what makes it so beautiful!


10 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Leo, the long-term future is in your mind, and it’s not coming into clear focus.

However, it’s still important to try contemplating, reflecting on, and figuring out how you really feel about those practical plans and ideals for the future.

Although the 10 of Pentacles reversed can be disorienting and strange, putting a lot of your material circumstances at bay, it doesn’t mean that you have to throw in the towel and ignore all of your responsibilities either.

Times of material instability can in fact illuminate just what you need to focus on in order to achieve the life you’re seeking.


King of Wands (Reversed)

Virgo, confidence is key, even though we know it isn’t easy.

The King of Wands reversed encourages you to look inward and see where you may be coming from a place of insecurity or impulsiveness.

When you feel uncertain about yourself, it can be tempting to jump into action and just try to do anything that allows you to feel something different, or perhaps feel more in control.

But being loud isn’t the same thing as being heard, and simply being decisive isn’t the same thing as being true to your spirit. Remember that this week, Virgo.


6 of Cups (Reversed)

Libra, nostalgia is just around the corner, but what does it all mean?

The 6 of Cups reversed is a card of the past, and it creates an unwavering attachment between your present day self and your past memories.

You may feel more emotionally drawn to situations of old, even if they’re long gone and involve people that have nothing to do with your current circumstances.

Sometimes these moments illuminate present-day needs unexpectedly, but it’s also important not to get caught up in dwelling in old drama.


6 of Wands

Scorpio, success and victory are all yours for the taking!

The 6 of Wands is a truly victorious, celebratory energy that signals a time of good vibes and social recognition.

This is a time to put yourself out there, be among others, and say “yes” to any opportunities that come your way, so long as they feel resonant and exciting with your spirit, of course.

Overall, this optimistic energy prompts you to focus on everything that could go right instead of wrong, as the Universe is recognizing you for your right moves as well.


10 of Wands (Reversed)

It’s time for Sagittarius to release the burdens that have been holding them back.

The 10 of Wands reversed sheds light on anything you’ve been holding onto for way too long, and also the habits and instincts that have caused you to take on this much in the first place.

Whether it’s saying “yes” to every responsibility or request for help, or it’s holding onto old emotions and grudges from before, you’re definitely just harboring more energy than necessary, wild archer.

So use this week as a time of release, renewal, and hitting that refresh button.


4 of Wands

Capricorn, friendship, celebration, and good feelings are out and about!

The 4 of Wands is a card of social stability and positive vibes. Now is a solid time for going out with friends and close loved ones, embracing a positive attitude, and showing affection and care for those around you, even if you weren’t previously feeling super connected to them before.

This can also be a good sign for getting closer to people that you’d like to get closer to, but overall it’s just a lovely omen for that specific kind of sweetness that comes from natural human chemistry and positive energy.


Ace of Wands

Aquarius, are you ready to start something new?

The Ace of Wands says that you are, as this card is ultimately one of fresh opportunity and new beginnings!

You may be embarking on a brand new adventure, whether it’s travel, a social outing, or just pursuing a new idea that comes to you this week. 

Just know and remember this: putting yourself out there, taking a few risks, and trying something exciting is the key to making the most of it no matter what.


7 of Cups (Reversed)

Pisces is saying “no” to indecision.

The 7 of Cups reversed asks you to let go of the indecisiveness, cloudiness, and inner fog that has been holding you back recently.

You’re wrestling with the concern of “doing things wrong,” but the truth is that many paths and options aren’t “wrong” or “right” exactly. There are just paths and what you choose to do with them.

Trust that this is the life, path, and person you’re meant to be living, no matter what.

Your Guide to Acing This Mercury Retrograde

Your Tarotscope is your first step to preparation for a tough time ahead… although it doesn’t have to be tough, exactly.

Mercury retrograde can seem daunting and unyielding, but it’s actually not all that different from other lesson-inducing and healthily challenging parts of life.

Here are our some of our favorite resources that can help you stand in your own power and confidence as we head into it:

Recommended for you: Shake Off Stress With This 4-Card Tarot Spread

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