Your Weekly Tarotoscope: March 3rd – 9th, 2025


This week, Mercury will enter Aries on the 3rd, kicking this week off into the headstrong, powerful, and independent sign of the ram.

You may feel more compelled to speak up with firmer opinions, move and think decisively, and process events and ideas with passion and strength. In other words, it’s time to stand your ground and let yourself be heard!

Of course, how we resonate with Aries energy — or any astrological transit in general — can depend greatly on our personal life events and zodiac charts too. That’s why we like to check in with multiple systems of insight for a well-rounded perspective.

With that in mind, here’s what the Tarot has to offer for the week ahead!

Explore the Tarot Card we Pulled for Your Zodiac Sign


Ace of Wands (Reversed)

Aries is headed toward burnout… although there’s still time to stop it!

The Ace of Wands reversed warns against getting caught up in new ideas too quickly, too fast.

You’re tempted to initiate all of the new fires that you can feel stirring within you, but you’re on your way to using up all of your fuel too immediately in the process.

Although it’s tempting to rush into the opportunities that are seemingly opening up to you this week, you’re encouraged to take note of what you feel internally, but then also potentially put it on hold for later.

Don’t forget to read: Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards


2 of Swords (Reversed)

Taurus is letting go of the indecision and stagnancy that has been plaguing them.

The 2 of Swords reversed shows you shaking off mental blockages and inner doubts. You’ve been wrestling with indecision, not sure about what next steps are the “right ones” or which roads will land at the “right” finish lines.

However, this concern over right and wrong has been prompting you to stand still entirely, forcing a stalemate.

This week, you’re unpacking that strangeness and putting it to the side, one way or another.


10 of Pentacles

Gemini, the future is bright, and you’re building to it as we speak!

The 10 of Pentacles is a firm spotlight on the life you’d like to build for yourself, especially materially — career-wise, financially, and also with regard to the roles you inhabit in the lives of those around you.

This is a powerful week for focusing on your personal goals, getting things done, and staying productive as you keep your ambitions in mind for firmer motivation and manifestation potential.


10 of Cups

Cancer, what truly fulfills you? What makes you happy?

The 10 of Cups asks you these questions, shining a bright light on all of the true inner desires that stir about in your heart and intuitive core.

You’re called to center yourself in these answers. Whatever it is that brings you authentic joy is where this card asks you to connect to intentionally, whether through meditation or action or in conversation with others.

If you do, you may find yourself closer than ever to the life that you truly seek.


The High Priestess (Reversed)

Leo, the intuition is a fickle, strange force to be reckoned with sometimes.

You’re learning that right now, as The High Priestess reversed complicates your inner compass… or at least it clouds up your relationship to it.

It’s difficult to navigate when you’re not sure about your directional skills, even if nothing is actually wrong with the map you’re using.

Your confidence seems to be shaken, and this week it’s important to be patient and graceful with yourself as you reconnect with it.


Queen of Pentacles

Virgo is sitting in some abundant, royal power right now!

The Queen of Pentacles is a lovely omen for Virgos aiming to seize control, productivity, and stability in their lives.

This card signals that you have a good understanding of your goals and situations at hand, that your practical skills are shining brightly, and that others are relying on you now for support and guidance.

You’re in your element, Virgo. What would you like to accomplish?


4 of Pentacles

Libra, are you stable, or are you stuck?

The 4 of Pentacles shows your attempts at holding onto what’s yours, especially in career, work, and finances. You’ve worked hard and struggled to earn what you currently have, and you’re feeling quite protective over it too.

But this card warns against clutching so closely onto your current reality, as you may also be leaving little room for additional opportunity to enter your field of vision.

Just make sure you’re not tunnel visioning onto your present… as the future holds just as many interesting things, Libra.

Catch up on: Everything You Need to Know About Pentacles in Tarot


6 of Swords (Reversed)

Scorpio, are you ready to move on into the unknown?

The 6 of Swords reversed indicates that you might not be… at least not yet. However, there also isn’t much of anything waiting for you in the past or present either.

You’ve been stuck in what’s familiar for a bit too long, and emotionally and mentally it can be difficult to just take a leap of faith into something new.

But this week, you’re called to fully embrace that strange unknown, to release the past, and to put yourself out there in a more vulnerable way.


Knight of Wands (Reversed)

Although Sagittarius is known for their adventurous spirit, the Knight of Wands reversed warns against taking it a bit too far.

This card can signal impulsiveness and an excess of ambition, perhaps rushing into new things too quickly or acting with too much confidence (when some pause and reflection can also be just as beneficial for you).

We love and appreciate your enthusiasm for new things, but the Tarot just seems to be encouraging a more thoughtful demonstration of what that can look like… at least for now.

You may be ready for the world, but the world isn’t always ready for Sagittarius just yet.


9 of Swords (Reversed)

Capricorn is known for their stoic, confident presence in most situations.

But the 9 of Swords can shake up even the wisest of goats, and its fears and anxieties can keep you awake and restless… and also very much distracted from your personal goals and plans.

Reversed, you seem to be proactively attempting to shut down these self-doubts and worries, although you must be careful that you aren’t just compartmentalizing or suppressing them.

In other words, your key for this week is just to face what you must face head-on, Capricorn.


Ace of Swords

Aquarius is holding onto the Ace of Swords two weeks in a row!

This card still brings you as much excitement, fresh ideas, and opportunity as it did last week, but the continuous availability of this energy can also make these things much more obvious now than before.

In other words, pay close attention to what lies in the details this week.

New opportunities, conversations, and interactions with others are all around, providing gateways to new possibilities in ways that you couldn’t really foresee.


2 of Wands

Pisces, the world is your oyster!

The 2 of Wands is ultimately one of the most expansive and exciting cards of the Tarot deck, bringing you plenty of adventure, whimsy, and optimism to use however you please.

Trust your instincts, act boldly and bravely, and set some positive intentions this week.

You may find that with some patience, confidence, and trust, life can and will reward you for your faith.

What Your Tarotscope Really Means

Your weekly insight has been delivered! Now it’s time to unpack what it all really means.

The key to understanding your Tarotscope is knowing that sometimes, the events that unfold in our week ahead can alter how we perceive, digest, and take in the insights provided by our Tarot card.

In other words, you may have one way of interpreting its insights now, only to find that it makes sense in a completely different way later! Such is the beauty of the Tarot.

We recommend coming back to your Tarotscope periodically, reflecting on the Tarot card pulled, and meditating regularly on what it all truly means as life’s grand path unfolds in real-time.

Recommended for you: Shake Off Stress With This 4-Card Tarot Spread

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#Weekly #Tarotoscope #March #3rd #9th

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