As a Scorpio rising, I have taken 100’s of pychological and spiritual seminars over 45 years in an attempt to clean up my past. Many have been profound. One of my greatest seminar leads left me with great nugget of wisdom regarding psychological healing. He used the analogy of trying to clear all the mud out of a dirty pond as a metaphor for cleaning up our soiled psychological baggage:
The metaphor is trying to clean out all the mud from a pond. Sometimes, when you walk down to the lake around sunrise, the waters are calm and clear, and you see the frogs and water plants at the bottom of the pond. But as you step into the pond for a morning swim, you stir up the mud, and you can no longer see the bottom, and it seems that the mud will settle down. You can hook up all kinds of filtration plants to the lake but never eliminate the mud because mud is endless.
The founder of the Omega Institute, Elizabeth Lesser also notes, we can take endless courses and therapies to clear up our hurts and patterns, but they are never enough, as mud is endless. But sometimes, a moment of grace comes and lifts us out of the mud, and then we can see the bottom again, see our Infinite Self, and become one with the pond, the mud, and the frog—and it is all one anyway!
Sometimes, I think astrological studies can also be a bit like probing endlessly through the mud in order to understand our pain and our karma. It is valuable and part of the journey but sometimes a great teacher or Avatar will bless you with deep illumination and gifts of enlightenment and that is what it is always about. I have been bless the past few years and am very grateful.
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