SNEAK PEAK AT 2025 : Part 1 Saturn and Neptune in Pisces
We have seen huge changes in the last year with the flooding in Europe, Hurricane Milton, and Hurricane Helene, and we get a sense that more is to come. Whether it is climate change or just the earth (which is a living being) letting us know that She is tired of pollution and abuse, we can expect more of an uproar in 2026.
Saturn in Pisces, the natural 12th sign of the zodiac, brings with it 12th house losses, expenditures, and events beyond our control. Saturn’s fate overtakes Neptune’s liberal expansion qualities, whether that is unlimited budget deficits or spending beyond our control. Add the Saturn/Neptune/Rahu conjunction April 3-5, 2025, and its influence through the Saturn conjunction into Feb. 26, 2026. Think about the Saturn/Rahu conjunction in April/May and you can see that the winter/ spring of 2025 is not a cakewalk.
Saturn/Neptune conjunctions happen about every 36–37 years. The last time this alignment occurred was in 1989–1990. In November 1989, we had the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet empire. Is the EU set for a fall? The collapse of the German and French governments and the teetering of Trudeau in Canada seem rather ominous, given Saturn/Neptune.
Neptune in Pisces is a long transit and goes until Feb. 2037. Saturn in Pisces is a shorter transit from March 29, 2025, to June 3, 2027. Saturn will increase our awareness of water and ocean crises and plastic pollution while increasing our fear of global calamities due to the subconscious nature of Pisces and the natural 12th house of the zodiac.
The positive impact of Saturn/Neptune is that it forces us to look at the malfunctioning of government systems and inadequate leaders with loose moral ethics, and we have seen the rise of this starting to happen around the world as the abusive Liberal governments around the world are facing the wrath of the people who are time of some of the hollow policies which have caused more harm than good. Whether this is the failure of wind power in Europe to replace fossil fuel or the championing of transgender rights above common sense around high school bathrooms, there seems to be an uprising against the recent past. Saturn will continue to right the abusive powers of leaders.
End of Part 1
In Part 2 we will explore our concerns around new pandemics with Ketu still in Virgo until May.
What Does 2025 Hold for Us in Vedic Astrology
What Does 2025 Hold for Us in Vedic Astrology? Live!
Thursday, Jan. 2nd 2-330 pm CST/Chicago time
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Barry Rosen will go over the major transits for 2025 in a 1.5-hour presentation with a focus on the financial markets, including what lies ahead for gold, cryptocurrencies, the stock market, interest rates, nd more. Focus on the impact on your personal life will be included. Highlights include the Saturn/Rahu conjunction for April 2025, the Mars/Ketu conjunction for July 2025, Rahu’s movement into Aquarius and Ketu in Leo starting in May, and Saturn’s transit into Pisces in late March. Also covers a look at geopolitics and weather.
IMPORTANT: Please note attendees must register through the GoTo Webinar link below. The cost for this webinar is $39.
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