


People keep asking me when the intensity will be over, and by mid-May, you may notice a shift, but until then, it will continue to be fast and furious.

Mars is still out of bounds (Ayana Bala in Vedic astrology), and that increases its intensity, creating Mars on steroids. Things move at breath-neck speed, and we cannot get off the roller coaster because it will not stop. It will finally end in early April, just as Mars moves into Cancer on April 2. If you live in Washington, DC, and work for the government or are politically involved, this energy has been the center driver.  

Saturn has also been intense, because Saturn exhibits its most force in the last 10 degrees of a sign, Aquarius 20-30, and that continues into March 29 when it goes into Pisces for the next 2.5 years.  The Saturn combustion by the Sun is not over until March 29, and it is also increasing stress, tension, criticism, anger, anxiety, fatigue, and some rising signs like Aquarius and Capricorn.  Unfortunately, Saturn does not get happier until mid-April when Venus will soften its harsh nature, but Rahu will afflict it, causing anxiety and paranoia until mid-May.  We also have a full moon/lunar eclipse on Thursday night, March 13, and Friday morning, March 14, at 29.21 Leo. The impact of that usually has a three-day time band on either side of the eclipse. We will write more about this in our next mid-week issue.

Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces on March 15 until April 7. Luckily, Venus in exaltation is canceling out the worst of the Mercury in Pisces energy.  However, retrograde Mercury will still be its typical communicative mess, and moving toward Saturn within 1-2 degrees into the first few weeks of April will create negative thinking and increase anxiety and may cause more serious computer or communications disruptions, so continue to get your systems sorted out way in advance.  Mercury also moves toward Rahu in early April, which can increase problems with cybersecurity and Ransomware and all those problems that have become part of our new world.  

Venus is still retrograde until April 12, and while it will soothe Saturn’s nerves in April, it takes a hit from the Rahu conjunction in early April, increasing sexual and sensual appetites and cravings.  It gets blasted by Saturn, increasing dissatisfaction with relationships. Retrograde Venus tends to want to re-evaluate them, and break-ups could quickly happen in the first weeks of April with all the stress from Rahu and Saturn and a confused Mercury.

The Sun has to deal with two eclipses over the next month on March 13-14th, and then the solar eclipse is March 29 at 14.50 Pisces. However, it is not as significant as it is more than 8 degrees from Rahu, but it still occurs close in time to the Pisces Stellium climax with 6 planets within 3 degrees in the first few degrees of Pisces,  April 1-7th. We will have to write a unique article about this, but it’s a good time to hunker down as I tell people not to plan a picnic during a tornado warning.

Jupiter, the dispositor of Pisces, at least, is holding the fort down. As always, the Divine is there protecting us and holding up the world. All change is ultimately good, but sometimes, we do not realize that, even for months and years. Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 14 for a new cycle and quick trip there through Oct 19th until it retrogrades back there Dec. 3rd.

As always, stay centered, help others and give to charities and keep up your yoga and exercise and meditation routines.


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